
Showing posts with the label Training

Simulated Process Improvement is Easy!

We just completed the first annual training cycle (Oct 2012-Sept 2012) of our resurrected Continuous Process Improvement program. Our first year goals (and invested resources) were fairly modest. We planned to train an initial cadre of practitioners (check), execute several proof-of-concept projects (check), re-institute the local CPI collaborative (check), grow an in-house instructional capability (check), and embed CPI as an integral part of the strategic planning process (semi-check). In some ways, I think we might have aimed too low. It is common to achieve 1000% improvements in simulated processes during training. In our most recent class, we improved over a baseline production of 4 products in 10 minutes to a final production of 46 products in 10 minutes -- 1150% improvement in production and a cycle time improvement from 150 seconds per product down to about 13 seconds per product. If we could accomplish that in real life -- our biggest problem would be trying to figure out ho...

Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers Lean Six Sigma Workshop

We took a different approach to Lean Six Sigma training for the Society of Hispanic Engineers Eastern Leadership Technical Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico on February 24, 2012. We did three things that were just a little bit different from our normal approach: 1. We adapted the Navy's Lean Six Sigma curriculum to offer it in a workshop format. The hands-on nature of the workshop format aligned well with the typical curriculum already, but we had to make some adjustments for the space and time constraints of a conference workshop. 2. We simplified the process simulation just a little bit to minimize the materials requirements. We put together a meaningful simulation experience using only a single piece of paper. It made it a lot easier to travel with the materials. 3. We increased the enrollment cap from 20 seats to 60. The 20 seat limit was originally set to make the instruction highly interactive. To maintain the interactivity, we incorporated more co-facilitators for th...

Continuous Performance Improvement

As a Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Program Manager, I really enjoy delivering training. I feel effective when I weather the initial storm of doubt and resistance from trainees: "CPI is another management flavor of the month...," "CPI is just a rehash of Total Quality Management...," "How is this different than process re-engineering (or any of dozens of brands of process improvement." After a few hours, I can literally see the conversions start taking place as very smart people realize that the processes that they manage are not smart. By the end of the training, only a few hold-outs still remain: individuals who still see no value in the techniques and tools associated with improving processes. Needless to say, I was surprised when I realized that I don't care about process improvement. Process improvement, for me, is only a means to an end. The only reason I want our organizational processes to be improved is to improve our organizational pe...