Intangible Value in Small Projects
How big does a continuous process improvement project need to be? I get variations of this question every time I provide training on the topic. My best answer goes something like this: "The tools and techniques of CPI are scalable to accommodate both large and small projects. Black belt projects are normally larger and more complex than green belt and yellow belt projects. In a typical cross-functional process map with four departments and 30 steps, a yellow belt might do a project on one step, a green belt might do a project on one department, and a black belt might do a project on the entire process." Two hidden issues underlie this question. Issue number one is that people believe that every project must provide substantial and tangible benefits to be worthwhile; they believe that doing small projects is a waste of time. The truth is that there is value in doing a CPI project, however small, for the sake of doing the project. Colleagues might argue that projects consu...