Acknowledging Milestones: 50 Projects and Counting
Two overlapping tidbits of information caught my eye this last week. First, I am trying to persuade my boss to send me to a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt course. In the description of the course, a Master Black Belt candidate is described as a Black Belt with an experience level equivalent to 50 process improvement projects. Second, I visited the blog of a very well-known practitioner who indicates that his experience level consists of "over 250 projects" completed.
It got me thinking: I wonder how many projects I have completed?
I found it surprisingly hard to count projects, even harder to count them honestly.
The hard part isn't remembering the work. The hard part is determining what constitutes a project, and which projects count as personal experience.
Do all projects have to be continuous process improvement to count?
Does a rapid improvement event count as a project, or should I only count full projects?
If I manage the project manager (i.e., he or she works for me), do I get experience credit for projects completed under my umbrella of supervision?
If I start a project, but another project manager finishes the project, do I get partial credit?
If I clean up another project manager's mess (i.e., step in and save his/her failing project), do I get full credit?
If I run a project well, but management decides not to implement the changes, should I erase it from my list?
What do I do with project completed as part of normal business operations?
What about projects that are started and then cancelled? Does it depend on the reason for cancellation?
Do writing projects count? Research projects? Analytic projects?
In my counting scheme: I don't count pure writing projects, pure research projects, or projects cancelled in early stages. I also ignore projects where I had no hands-on involvement. Projects do count if I made a substantial contribution even if I wasn't the designated project manager for the entire life of the project.
I think my list is mostly for me. I can't imagine what else I would do with it, but maybe it will help me persuade my boss that I need to go to master black belt school. I hope so.
1. Action Research on Discipline Problems at RESA Middle School
2. Data Driven Decision Making Workshop with Follow-on School-specific Planning Sessions
3. Kindergarten Evaluation
4. Staff Development Planning Evaluation
5. Rockford Rocks on Reading Grant
6. Reduce Time to OOD Qualification (3109-04-001)
7. Develop Memorandum of Agreement Between SWOS and CNE (3109-04-003)
8. Business Case Analysis of Damage Control Adviser and Senior Enlisted Damage Control Merger (3109-04-004)
9. Damage Control Blended Solution (3109-04-009)
10. Department Head Course Pipeline (3109-05-002)
11. First Naval Construction Division Detachment Standup/Team Readiness Project
12. Control Grade Cross Functional Team
13. Officer Sustainability Initiative Phase One
14. Officer Sustainability Initiative Phase Two
15. Officer Community Management Deskguide Development
16. BUPERS-3 Decision Support Capability
17. Analytic Community of Practice Position Management
18. Overseas Suitability Screening (3504-06-004)
19. Predatory Lending (3504-06-006)
20. Exceptional Family Member Process (3504-06-008)
21. Navy Manpower Analysis Center Job Task Analysis (3128-06-012)
22. Selection Board Process and Vulnerability Study (3504-06-003)
23. Officer Retirements Process (3128-06-011)
24. Officer Resignation Process (3504-06-009)
25. Personnel Transaction Timeliness (3128-07-001)
26. Post-Merger IT Alignment (3128-07-004)
27. Navy Music Return on Investment (3504-06-005)
28. Navy Recruiting Laptop Security (3128-06-013)
29. Navy Recruiting Recruiter Efficiency (3128-07-003)
30. Selection Board Lean Six Sigma Administrative Process Flow (3128-07-009A)
31. Selection Board Lean Six Sigma Eligibility Determination (3128-07-009B)
32. Supply Chain Council/Production Management Office Standup (3128-07-002)
33. Navy Manpower Analysis Center Officer/Enlisted Occupational Standards (3128-07-008)
34. BUPERS-3 Military Community Management Standup (3128-07-014)
35. Common Business Operations Regional Shared Services Planning (3128-08-001)
36. Shared Services Human Resources Rapid Improvement Event
37. ROP-Appointment Scroll Rapid Improvement (Redundant Review)
38. PERS-32 LSS Value Stream Analysis
40. PERS-32 Reimbursibles RIE
41. PERS-32 Budget Execution
42. POM-14 Tiger Team (2012-001)
43. Improve Kit Processing (2012-002)
44. NRD Optimization Phase I (2012-003)
45. NRD Optimization Phase II (2012-004)
46. Recruiter-Classifier-Processor (2012-005)
47. NASIS Trouble Tickets (2012-006)
48. N72 Webinar Process Rapid Improvement (2012-009)
49. Recruiting Sub-Process Team (2012-011)
50. Value of Retention (08TASK026)
51. Armed Forces Chapter Resurrection/President
52. Teaching and Assessment in the Affective Domain Workshop Development and Delivery
53. Sears Intern Program Survey Results
54. Psychology Board Survey Results
55. Guest Editor for Performance Improvement Journal Special Issues on HPT in the Military
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